
Amaryllis By Morning, Amaryllis From Where

A couple of years ago Peggy and I went over to Cape Canaveral to visit with her beloved Uncle Bill and Aunt Fran.
  At the time they were still "snowbirding" between Sanborn, NY (near Niagara Falls) and Florida.  Uncle Bill is a retired rocket scientist who worked for NASA during the "Right Stuff" era.  When he retired, they decided to spend winters down on the Florida coast where he could be closer to where all the 'space action' was located. Picture below is a view of Cape Canaveral near their home.
We had a wonderful time with them and they drove us around showing us the town and Atlantic seashore near their home. visiting the Cape.
Uncle Bill is a highly intelligent, very interesting man to visit with and Aunt Fran has a wonderful personality, with a quick wit and we enjoyed laughing with them both.  We had a ball visiting with them as they gave us the local tour.  
 While we were there, Peggy couldn't help but admire their Amaryllis blooms, which ya can see in the first picture just to the right of Uncle Bill.  Aunt Fran insisted we take some home with us and we are thrilled that this year they are doing great and blooming up a storm.
When I stepped out the door this morning, I couldn't help but think of the wonderful couple I have come to love, who live up in New York State. They gifted us these beautiful flowers from Cape Canaveral Florida, and we think they are out of this world. 
   These gorgeous flowers have been blooming for a week now and this is not the only batch; there are about four more in the flower bed. We are thoroughly enjoying them, as they remind us of Uncle Bill and Aunt Fran each time we look at them. They are every bit as bright and colorful as our favorite western NY couple. We don't know when these blooms will give up for the season, but for now we are enjoying Amaryllis morning by morning.

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