
Rotating Our Green Onions (...or the 'something-something of the Traveling Plants')

 Back in November, when we "worked" our main garden box, we decided to give it the winter off.  We 'worked the bed' by adding some compost and "triple 13 " from the Ag center, then covered it with straw and the only thing we put growing for the winter was some green onion bulbs. (the 'before' picture)
Well, the last week in February (a week or so ago)  we harvested these same green onions, below. (the 'after' picture)
I pulled them up and shook the dirt off as best I could.
Then I fixed the bed back so you would never know they were there.
I sat on the patio enjoying a warm sunny afternoon cleaning the onions, then separating them. I left out this bunch for replanting, after I cut off the nice greens, finely sliced them and stuck them in the freezer for any dish that figures they need a handful of nice onion greens.

We like to move our onion patch around to different locations every time we harvest them, so after separating and trimming, I stuck the ones I saved to replant, in Peggy's herb/salad bed. (The parsley and cilantro wouldn't get out of the way, so some of the onions kind of got planted away from their family, but not by a whole lot.)
The ones I didn't replant, I carried into the house and Peggy rinsed them all off in our big kitchen sink.

She separated the whites from the green parts and went to whacking on them, putting any odd parts into her beloved compost pail. 
By the time she sliced all the greens, her 'chopper' was tired, so I did the white parts.
For some reason I can't find the picture of the 3 fat bags of onion white parts, but they went in the freezer, too, and are wonderful additions to just about anything. 
    Our friend, Sam, gave us the original handful of these onions for us to plant, and we use the greens in almost every meal we make, like salads or our Cajun dishes, and we haven't had to buy green onions in years. This is what a few square feet of onion bulbs/roots/plants...whatever you wanna call them, results in when they are planted and replanted all year round, except for our South Louisiana heat of  Summer. 
  In a few more months, in June, when I pull them up again, after we harvest the main parts, their bottoms will spend the hottest months in a sack in our closet until September, when we'll put them back in another different spot to spend a happy winter in our yard.  

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