
Asparagus Beans in a pot __?___ Yards Long

When life hands you a bunch of yard long beans what's a poor Cajun man to do?
Drag out da ol' black iron pot, whack them up into little pieces and smother them down to the point ya can barely tell they are beans, das what.  First ya grab some bacon pieces and whatever smoked sausage ya have on hand and throw that in the pot.
Once that renders down some, toss in a couple chopped up onion and some Cajun seasoning.
  As I have mentioned before ,the salt from the seasoning draws moisture out of the onions and speeds up the cooking process.
Once the onions have cooked down a little.
 dump in a big pan of yard long beans and a little more seasonings.
Cook them down,
Until  they are totally 'smothered', looking nothing like beans at all; then they are "done".
Then, dish them up with salad and a steak and call them supper.
They were very good; slightly different from our normal snap beans, and in our opinion a wonderful addition to our back yard garden.  This was our first dish with them and we plan to try them several other (maybe less cooked down) ways, and we will let yall know what we think, but so far we are thrilled to at how productive they are, and live up to our friend, Todd's endorsement.  I have noticed that several of yall are commenting that they look thinner than regular beans, but I can't help but wonder if they just seem that way because they are so long.  Once "whacked" up and sitting in the pot they look pretty normal to me. ( 'Course I 'm not sure I'm the right spokesperson for "normal".)

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