
Curling......Who knew?

   I'd like to start this post with the fact that I have always been a huge fan of the Olympics.  Summer or winter, I always try to watch as much as I can. Since I am home full time now, I have really been pouring myself into this year's winter Olympics. 
    I noticed for the first time some of the subtle idiosyncrasies of the different games.  For instance the biathlon, to win, ya hafta ski fast, but ski too fast, ya can't shoot good--it's a trade off.         Anyways, what I found very surprising is: here I sit, beer in hand and a bucket full of fried chicken while I'm waiting on a curling match as if it was a foot ball game. I even noticed that I've picked up some curling slang and find myself armchair "skipping". (the "skip" is the curling team's captain)  So here I am, sitting here, hollering at the TV and thoroughly enjoying watching curling even though  I don't fully understand.
  Whas with setting up all those corner guards, just to have 'em "peeled off"? Why not just go for the "house", then guard?Instead of peeling guards, why not go for the shot... "rock"? I mean, it's late in the 8th end and ya behind by 2 OFFENCE, OFFENCE!
   (Peggy here: I have no idea about what he's talking about.
All I know is: my bald-headed Cappy is sitting there happily engaged in watching curling, yelling, "Curlers rock the house!")   

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