Cappy is always saying that I "pester" the Lord alot. I prefer to say that I keep Him company. Well, Cappy told me that the other night, in the middle of the night, when the fog suddenly set in, like someone having thrown a blanket over them, it was one of the worst places he could think of for it to happen. He was still moving along the Intercoastal Waterway, a narrow bridge was near, and lots of other boats where parked everywhere. All at once he could see none of them. Cappy pushes a huge barge loaded with petroleum....it's flamable. Even with all his navigational equipment, solid fog is extrememly dangerous. His crew was peacefully asleep in their bunks below. He had to do something and fast. He forgot all the formalities and said aloud, "Oh LORD! This is not good! This fog has GOT to GO!!!"
He paused while telling me. He said, "Peg, you're not going to believe me...the fog lifted." The fog around his boat and barge disappeared. He could see the dense fog beyond the clearing in front, on the sides and behind him, but there was a 'bubble' of no fog in front, sides or behind his boat. He drove on, thinking he could find a place to 'tie up' and wait for the fog in the area to clear entirely. As he got to the next place, the 'bubble' followed him, the fog closing back in behind him as he moved along. He had to pause a couple of times and was quiet on the other side of the phone as he told me what happened. He had kept moving foward, creeping along the canal, come to another boat who was tied up along the bank. That boat would become visible, coming out of the fog, then as Cappy passed, the fog closed back in around that vessel. This happened all along the Intercoastal Waterway, all night, passing one boat after another until he got to his destination.
He was so humbled by the experience. So touched. I think this fog experience brought him closer to the Lord. But the fog brought my friend's husband even closer to the Lord. It's a lot to think about.
"Ask and Ye Shall Receive"
Hey, you are right! I forgot about that until I read your comment. Thanks!
okay, you were expecting this response, so I'll state the obvious. Fog is "clear" closest to the viewer, and gradually reduces visibility the further you get from the viewer. It would be a sign of God if the visibility "bubble" were square shaped or triangle shaped. A cross shape would have sealed the deal, but I'm afraid to say that a bubble shape is extremely normal. But, I'm glad the visibility was just low enough for Cappy to make it through.
oh ye of little faith. In Matthew & Luke it says ... if you don't believe in me now..when you get to heaven I will know you not...."bubble" or any shape of the clearing God answered Cappy's prayer. I pray you will get to know God now and when you get to him He will know you then..
Whats that other statment? If God Brings you to it, he will see you through it! See Cappy he was there with ya!
Well, we haven't responded yet, not wanting to make anyone feel bad. Cappy has driven through fog all of his life. He sat there in complete white-fog for two nights, along the bank, waiting for it to lift. While he finally was making his way this particular night in question, it was the most dangerous, inopportune time for a blanket of fog to fall, as on the other nights. We don't think it was a coincidence that at the precise moment Cappy asked for it to lift, that it did. The next night when he was safely tied up, the fog returned as it had the previous nights, where he said that he couldn't even see to the middle of his barge. We know God uses natural ways to answer prayers, not showing off to prove it was He Who answered our prayers. We aren't angry at anonymous'post, but are grateful that they said they were glad for Cappy's safe passage, no matter how it came about.
foy, thanks for the quote. Although, I can't seem to find that passage in Matthew or Luke. Next time, if you don't KNOW where the passage came from, just say "in the bible it says.." But, I do understand you're message, O ye of blind faith. The eighteenth-century English poet Thomas Gray wrote: "Where ignorance is bliss..."
So, Cappy has traversed the water ways all these years and only asked god for help once? Why did he not continue down the river the next night when the “miracle bubble” was only to the middle of his barge, asking god for help once again? After all, “Ask and ye shall receive”, right?
I just wanted to make sure you all had our email address. It's Cappy_and_Pegody@yahoo.com
We'd look forward to hearing from you. Hugs, Peggy
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