The day before we left to come home we had the family Jambalaya. Cappy ("Pops") and son, Thom got started early cutting onions and sausage, etc., then Dan and Thom had other responsiblities to take care of for the get-together. Joe stayed and helped actually cook the Jambalaya, and Cappy said he couldn't have asked for a better helper. He remembers when he was a young boy watching his great-grandfather, grandfather and Dad making Jambalaya and now it makes him feel proud to pass on some of the traditions that were taught to him, on down to his own family.
One of the things needed to be chopped was the dreaded parsley, but Joe's wife, Jessica deftly snipped them up with scissors. Once again, this blog won't let me put all the pictures on, but AHA! I'm going to add a link for ya'll to click onto, which can then give you a nice slide-show of the goings ons and folks who showed up. I particulary like the picture of Jessica chopping the parsley; what a sweetie-pie she is. Since she did the miserable parsley this year, earning her wings, she can relegate that job to somebody else next year.
Family and friends sat around visiting, catching up on things, playing badmitton with the kids, munching on snacks, then came the main event of smoked duck, andouille and okra gumbo on rice, sundry tasty salads, and the prized Jambalaya. After everyone was stuffed and resting, Mr. Ed played his guitar and kazoo stunning the younger folks about how 'cool' he is with his repertoire of funny and entertaining songs. He had everybody clapping and singing along, as he always does. It was warm and cozy inside the mosquito netting with the bonfire going in the background, and loved ones being together. This was the first Family Jambalaya in Rochester, and I hope we can make it a regular thing, as it's done in Louisiana every year. Our boys watched in great detail, especially Joe, as to how our Pork Jambalaya was cooked, so I'll bet it shows up on their tables before we make it back there for another visit.
Here's the promised link to our 'sister website' (more like the mother website) where you can see a slide-show of the Jambalya get-together, and other pics you may have not seen of our trip. (Oh gosh...I hope we aren't becoming like 'those pushy folks' who bore people to death with all their pictures and slide-shows. Oh oh, maybe we are...Uh, maybe ya don't wanna go clicking here then. ;-) http://cajuncousins.photosite.com/rpny/