Okay, we'll try this blog again...

Before we even left the New Orleans area to drive to western NY, Dan and Jennifer had a full itinerary for us to see. One place I've never been, even tho' I'd lived in NYS all my life was Boldt Castle, located up in the Thousand Island area. It was a fun drive for the four of us, the kids' being in school. On the way we were singing Jimmy Buffet songs and 'playing' our musical shaker eggs. The harmony was awful/fun. We stopped along the way at another fruit stand. They had all kinds of things besides fruit and veggies of the season. And of course, as with most fruit markets at this time of year, everyone, except for Cappy had that 'Fall Feeling', where there is a kind of excitement in the air; the Last Hurrah of the Season before snow begins to fall and animals and people begin to 'hibernate'.
I wanted to buy some of the out-door weird-but-cute froggies, but Cappy reminded me that on our drive back home that we only had a limited amount of space in the SUV. We bought some cheese curds and snack foods instead, but, unfortunately, they, too, took up space in the SUV on the way home, primarily in our britches. Speaking of britches, Jennifer and Cappy aka "Pops" to the kids, both wore their bibs that day for the trip out in the country. Now...since this is the fifth time I've tried writing and posting dis blog, I'm gwinder quit whilst I am ahead WITH the four pictures stuck to it...(I think).

I could probably bankrupt my account with all of the wonderful sauces and spices these little roadside places offer in my varied travels. I know you had a wonderful time!
LOL, too true, anonymous...as it was I got to bring back fond memories and pictures. The cheese curds were actually fun, cuz they squeaked on our teeth when we bit down on them.
Peggy deep fried cheese curds, are even better!:D
Giggling Taffy...battered and deep-fried shoe would even be good. Hugs ya.
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