I'm getting ready to take SparkyBear to the vet. I usually only give the dogs a bath about every two weeks. When I was giving him and Mark their bathes last night, I removed the Invisible Fence collar, I was shocked and horrified to find an HUGE three and a half inch gash, about an inch high, all bloodied along his throat and there's even dried blood clumps! I don't know how deep it is, but it looks BAD. I couldn't see it before this because of all the fur and curls around his neck. I thought the problem was with his mouth, all this time, but couldn't see anything wrong with his teeth. I'm waiting for the Vet to open. I was going to take him there today anyhow. Now I'm just sick about it...I couldn't fall asleep til around three this morning.
The collar had gotten taken off when the kids were here, so the little hot shot took off down the street after a loping long-eared basset hound, who happened to pass by. I had the kids put the collar back on post haste. I'll keep you posted....gotta run and get this taken care of NOW. (jingle bells, jingle bells...)
Ok, all is calm, all is bright.
At least SparkyBear got to see baby kitties
at the vet's, so to him the trip wasn't a total loss.
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