I've heard the Billy Preston song, "Will It Go round In Circles" for years, but always thought it went: "Willie go round in circles? Willie fly high like a bird up in the sky?" And that's always how I sang along to it.
So...sitting there this morning sipping my coffee, it's Inauguration wall-to-wall on the television. Not a bad thing at all. But I just don't wanna hear his speeches. Too "Hollywood" for me. (who knows, maybe most or all of the past presidential speeches were "Hollywood", but I personally don't care. It's just that we all witnessed Hollywood and the news networks doing their 'dangest' to get the man elected...polished him and showcased him at every opportunity, to their joy and success.) It's been no secret that George Clooney had been coaching him; I guess that's ok, too. A couple of days ago ol' George Clooney rolled up to visit Mr. Obama again. ....(whateverrrr.) Upon the threshold of another well crafted (I'm sure) speech, I turned the channel, humming the tune and, as usual, thinking the wrong words, "I've got a song that I want to sing, I'm going to sing it to the world" (but I don't want to hear it)
Well, later, just now I'm reading the real lyrics to the other verses, "I've got a story, ain't got no moral, let the bad guy win every once in awhile" (Well, that didn't help) "I've got a dance, I ain't got no steps, no I'm gonna let the music move me around". Ah, like the winds of "Change" maybe. So, I'm going back to how I like to sing the thing, " Will he go round in circles? Will he fly high like a bird up in the sky?" Will he be 'business as usual' (around and around we go again), or will he really succeed and take this country on to new heights? I don't wanna hear his song. I don't wanna hear his story. That's his talk. I don't even wanna see his dance...I want to see his walk. I want to see where he leads us. I'm really hoping (and praying) for the best.
It all remains to be seen: Willie go round in circles? Willie fly high like a bird up in the sky? Poor guy's going to need our prayers, too. He's not even behind the desk yet and already his hair is getting gray. God Bless America and God, please bless our new President Barack Obama and protect us all. Amen.
Well, I watched his acceptance speech, and I liked it. Cappy and I shed a few tears as we humbly prayed along with the rest of our country, wishing our dads and mothers could be here to witness this giant step our country has just taken.I hope it's not all Hollywood, and that President Barack
Obama's prayers...what he promised The Lord are for real. Now, finally, I hope people can put slavery in the past; it's history, and that now all races, shoulder to shoulder, equal human beings all under the Eyes of God, can together, go forward striving for good.
sound hypocritical to me. say one thing in the beginning then something different in the end.
don't want to hear it?
i hope you eat those words in the end
Could you please elaborate a little more? I'm not sure I fully understand your point, but apparently I touched a raw nerve.
Hmmmm,...anyone? anyone?
Musta been a 'drive by' graffiti, I guess.
power to the people no barack
jeff ganoung
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