As for me, I'm sitting here in a chocolate stupor, smelling like a rose...several of them as a matter of fact. Most of you regular readers know my son, Dan by now. He's the (now) oldest. He and his family sent me these beautiful roses. I love the fact that they remembered to include some orange ones, which tie into my strange ORANGE hall :-) It's funny, but lately any time I introduce Dan to anyone, the person blurts out, "You look like your Mom!"

Next in line is my only daughter, Jennifer, whom, since her brother, Dan, married a girl also named Jennifer, has let me go back to calling her by her knick-name, "Sookie". As I said earlier, although she has no children, she has 'mothered' many...even me. She spoils me. (She spoils her cats rotten, tho'...LOL)
Here's a picture of 'the baby', Joe with Cappy, taken last December. We all had a great time. Speaking of knick names, take another look at the Mother's Day card in the top picture. The frog one, with the yellow flower in it's mouth. Inside it says, "'s not for the squeamish! From you little 'Froggy', Love, Joe". (Also a gift card from Best Buy, cuz now he considers me a kinda/sorta geek, seein' as how I can get online...giggling here.) Joe's knick name was "Froggy" because when he was a baby, just learning to creep, his legs were behind him, and when he squatted down, he looked like a frog. The tradition lives on. Here's a picture of his daughter, Ashley, at Christmas time. She looks like she could just up and leap across the room. So cute.
But as for Joe, looking like a little froggy didn't stop there; when he was about nine months old he could slowly crawl up to flies and pick them up. We watched him do it several times. This one particular time he crawled up to this fly who was stupid enough to just sit there and let him do it. Joe slowly reached out and picked him up, then...GAH! squished him in his fingers, but then he started to put it up to his mouth, at which time we all leaped out of our chairs, shreiking, which made the poor little 'froggy' about jump out of his skin. He's still my little "Froggy" today, who has his own little bunch of 'tad poles', who in the picture way at the top of the page again, with the roses, seem to be laughing at the froggy Mother's Day card.
And the sweet ending to this post today is a picture Joe sent of his youngest little polliwog, Kaitlyn. And now my story has been toad.

awwwwwww, all those pics and memories made me cry....froggy, i forgot that one.
i remember sookie, gruntsy,an thats it, i guess.
Happy Mothers Day my sweet and loving sis.
you have been through a lot and endured more than i think i could have.
i love you more than you prolly know.
Hiya Mori, I love you right back, Dearie.
Yeah, there was "B.J.", then "Gruntsy", then "Hoonie" (but one time when he was wearing his t-shirt up over his head while he was taking it off, then just left it on his head looking like a nun's 'hat', I started calling him "Sister Thomasina Hoonie-Garbong-bong-bonggy beans", because you know how our last name gets butchered so badly, "Gandung, Garbong, Ganouink") ...then "Sookie", the "Froggy" (later changed to "Joey Fracas"...sounds like fray-cuss...because the dog, "Ya-Ya" hated his guts and whenever he came around she'd go berserk. She was weird about people, remember? If she got it into her head that she didn't like somebody, even for no reason at all...she'd hate them forever, and act terrible the whole time they were there. She got so bad that if she even heard the word, "Fracas" she'd hit the fan. Well, she was a 'rescue dog' anyhow, so came with built in problems. But she was fine as long as nobody she loathed came to visit. Strange.
I'm hoping you are having a wonderful Mother's Day, as well. Thanks for your warm thoughts and love, Honey.
hoonie thats it, i knew there was one for thom, lol.
my mothers day was flowers, a big card, a dvd player, some dvds. it was nice.
hugs and mooches. mori
Ohhhh, that sounds wonderful! If anybody deserves a nice mother's day filled with lots of good stuff, Honey, it's you! You've been through an awful lot yourself. I like what Red Skelton said, (pry paraphrasing here)= "You might as well laugh at life, 'cuz none of us is going to get out of it alive".
ty sis.....i been missing you an awful lot lately.
wish i could come visit.
i had to go back to work to try to make ends meet. wonder when my golden years start?
i need to find me a nice " cappy "
to live the rest of my life with....ahahahah.
shoot, i'll never get out from under my kids or grands.
hugs to ya mori
It would be nice if you could come down and visit, Mori. Right now it's rather crazy around here, but since it's so quiet when Cappy's not home, maybe that would be better 'sister' time. This might sound strange, but the other day when our carpenter
"kid" was hammering up the new ceiling, I was able to take a nap. It was just soooo darned nice having someone in the house...even with the loud racket. It's the same way when Dan is visiting. His snoring is SOOOO loud. But just the fact that it means someone else is in the house so that I can relax...I dunno...I sleep better, noise and all. Dan's snoring is wonderful 'white noise'. If you have loved ones around, kiddo, you got it made. And dawgs don't count :-p
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