
All Fired Up For a Labor of Love

Yahoo-ee! Somehow I got my video-thingy playing again. My son, Joe, the computer Geek (engineer), who reads the Blog, and I guess musta been embarrassed for his Mom, because he called and walked me through some of the inner-workings of this thang, and helped me find an alternative, to this video thingy, in case it acts like a smart aleck again and tries to hide something on me, like it did the timeline. Didn't I feel silly when he asked me if we had a certain movie making program and I emphatically said, "No", then...uh...there it was right in plain sight on the program list, where I swear I've never ever, ever seen it. "Joe! Did you do that??!" (He has the capability to work on our computer like that, even from 1500 miles away.) He laughed and said that he was in his car driving to the store. I just I hope these two video programs don't decide to sneak around and talk to each other over the firewalls, or whereever they lurk around in there. April Fools' Day is coming up and I don't want any trouble.

After hanging up with Joe, I got all fired up and worked on my special smoked duck, andouille, hen and okra Gumbo. I thought Brad's family might like a pot of it for supper tomorrow night. I know when Cappy gets home and sees this slideshow about how I put it together, he's probably going to ask me what in the heck kind of order I've been using to assemble his gumbo after all this time. Then, in horror, he'll probably wonder what other Cajuns have viewed this Blog and seen how I've concocted this pot of 'love', as well. I really enjoy making it. But. Cajun cooking is a specific art-form, and more than once Cappy has threatened to throw a shoe at the television, where, "ol' Emeril has gone and put his foot in it again", because, as far as a particular dish, which he's called "Cajun", when in fact it's Creole ingredients that he's just added. (Well, I've got the ingredients 'down'; it's just the order I may have goofed up. But...it's all in there, and it comes out pretty good, so I've been told...after all the work, I want to believe them). One thing, tho, Cappy says it's traditional if you are from around the Opelousas, Louisiana area, to put a baked sweet potato (yam?) in your bowl of gumbo, but if you are a "down da bayou Cajun", more than likely you'd put a spoon of potato salad in your bowl of gumbo.

While I cooked and chopped, as you can see, I took some pictures, then fired up the video maker, where my timeline showed up, and went to work making this for you. I hope you like it. (I had all the ingredients; it's just the order I may have goofed up....it's all in there, so I hope it comes out pretty good, you can tell me...after all the work, I want to believe you).


  1. LOL Peggy, good job! I am cracking up at the doggy licking his lips. Our two boys lay in the kitchen the entire time we're cooking..usually getting stepped on. But..hey, we love em..and I can tell you love yours. The gumbo looks great..that's one I haven't tried yet. I did make etouffee...that's about the extent of my cajun cooking.

  2. Well, hey girlfriend, come on over and getcha a bowl-ful...you can see there's plenty. Bring your dogs, too...our boys love it when doggies come to play. You've got my cell phone number, right? Still looking forward to meeting up with youse...Cappy gets off the boat on the 20th...come ON now! We don't bite, our dogs don't bite...heck, most of the time 'our' fish don't bite, either, dang it.

  3. For some reason, Cappy and I have accrued several Trish's and several Cheryl's online here. Reading this post to Cappy last night, he asked me which person Patricia is for sure...a Trish, a Trisha,...? But then he said it doesn't really matter...the same answer goes for all our Trish's, except I don't think they all have my cell phone number...but cha know, they are all welcome to it. (((Trish))) :-)

  4. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Love it Kids! awesome shots and great music to see them with. hats off to you both, you're still The Best!

  5. Teri! Tay! Snow! Boo! Do you KNOW how much we've missed you?? Do ya? We hope you are both healthy and happy; we'd love you meet you both sometime.
    Well, we think you guys are the best. Hey...send us some links to your blogs...we lost everything a few months ago.

  6. Anonymous10:08 AM

    lol i see u like messin around with the movie maker that song is funny too
    no fair tho i want some food T_T

    -robbie john

  7. Hiya Robbie John,Honey.
    When we come up, I'll bring you some again,like we did that one time. The problem with it the last time; I didn't bring enough! You Buzzards gobbled it up faster than Grandpa could make his Jambalaya.
    Love you! "Bubbie"
    (and so does SparkyBear, MarkyBear and ol' Raleigh-Raleigh) Oh, and we will be bringing them for the visit, too...but not sure about Raleigh-Raleigh)

  8. Anonymous9:49 PM

    droolin' @ the delicious gumbo!

  9. LOL, anonymous...well, I made enough, I still have a gallon and a quart left, in the freezer, even after the neighbors, and Cappy, who ate a big bowl yesterday and wanted more. Come getcha a bowl, LOL. Right now it's Gumbosicle :-P
