
A Brief Update on Brad, Our Neighbor

I went to Thibodaux this afternoon to visit with Brad, and it's a good thing I did it today. On the way in I met up with his little girlfriend, Leah (who is such a sweetie-pie). As we walked in together, she told me that they are moving him to Houston tomorrow. Seeing my shock, she said it was a sudden decision. I guess so; his aunt, Ms. Sonia, hadn't mentioned it last night when I dragged my heavy pot of gumbo across the street to her, and got all the latest details. (which BTW, since all the gals...except me...are on a diet, just the guys were eating it, but I was told it was very good...Yay! ...after all that work, I want to believe them, 'nyuk nyuk'.)
(Jeepers, Peg!)Back to Brad; the ICU waiting room was fast filling up with family and friends again, but they said because they are transporting him tomorrow, that his mother and aunts were home packing. Once again there is a hustle & bustle in the air and a feeling of renewed of hope; not that any of them have lost one iota of faith during this whole last three weeks. And...I was told, for me...and 'Yall', to keep up the prayers, because they are working. I don't understand how it is with comas. Even tho he never 'comes to', he still has his sleeping or awake modes. Today when I went in to see him, I could tell he was fast asleep, but then Leah took his hand and shook it around a little. It was when she did that, that he did indeed change and seem to wake up, but with his eyes still closed. It's kind of confusing to me, but that's ok. But! When Leah told me that yesterday, when they asked him to, Brad gave a 'thumbs up' sign. Well, I couldn't stop myself from puddling up and then downright bawling, because that tells me our boy is still in there...he's still with us. Thank God; because he's such a cool kid.

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