
Am on the Lamb

I was all set to ride the storm out with Sonia and her family across the street. She said she's lived here in our little town all her life and they have never left for a storm. I guess Cappy knows I'm a nervous nut, or the kids up in NYS are, so he's having me go on over to stay with Aunt Gussie over in South Central Louisiana, and maybe from there if it looks like it's going to get bad, try to haul her up to Alexandria with me to stay at her brother's, Uncle Eugene and Aunt Marguerite's house.
Soooo, I'm rushing around trying to secure the yard, so that missles, like potted plants or bird baths don't go flying across the street at Sonia and Jude's house during the storm. I've got the SUV packed to the gills with stuff we'd want to keep, no matter what. Photo albums, and the like. In all the packing, I left little room for the two curly white dogs to fit. LOL...the guy who stopped by here last week from AT&T laughingly said they look like sheep. Yeah, they're little lambs alright...SparkyBear the Brat is watching my every move, packing their food, etc. and every time the car door opens, he jumps in. MarkyBear is watching with one eye as he's grown tired and is mostly napping. So, I just wanted 'yall' to know what I'm up to. Cappy insists on, once again, riding it out on his tugboat, tying up somewhere 'safe'. When they can't find a platform to tie up to, they tie up in the trees...strong trees. It's what he calls, "Chokin' a willow".
Alrighty, I'm outa here..."move over SparkyBear or I'll sit on ya...all the way to Aunt Gussie's house, ya Brat". (ON the 'lamb'...get it? well whaddaya want? I don't gots time fer poetry here.) God Bless!

Pegody and the "ArkyBears"


  1. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Peggy, I love you and hope your alright. I been trying to call...but DUH your not home. I forgot the cell number.
    Ray ...... the trees?????? Lawdy...I hope and pray for all ya'lls safety.
    Hug the pooches for me too.
    Call when you get back...my cell phone is turned back on..737-5507. call plzzzzzz.
    hugs, your baby sis Mori

  2. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Peggy, Glad Ray talked you into leaving, to bad he didn't go with, Your both in our thoghts, and prayers! Hugs Taff

  3. We will be posting about the storm soon. We've got a lot of cleaning up to do around our yard. The house is fine...we are fine...da dawgs are fine. We were spared a lot more than others were, which we will talk about when we post. Thank you again for all your prayers, but continue to keep us and the rest of the area in them for awhile longer. yIKEs is perhaps headed this way, and there's so much confusion with LONG gas lines and food shortages and damages all around. Another hurricane will only add sorrow upon sorrow. We love 'Yall'...Big Hugs to all, Cappy and Pegody

  4. Anonymous3:30 PM

    We're still without power at our house. so..we're in Kansas City. I'm sick of hotel living with weinie dogs and a grumpy assed man;)


  5. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Glad you are ok!!
    I tried to call the house too but you must have been going to get cappy yesterday (9/4).
    Give me a buzz when you get a min.

    Love Ya Guys
    Foy Boy & Brenda
