
Pickin' Up Da Pieces

We got home Thursday afternoon around 5pm. Peggy drove from Alexandria, Louisiana, where she had sheltered from Gustav with family, to Belle River La. and rescued me off'n da boat. We are very thankful, and happy to say the electricity got home an hour before we did.
The yard is all messed up, and after spending all day yesterday trying to put it to rights, we barely scratched the surface. Please be patient with us and we will both tell yall our stories of riding out the latest hurricane. We are very busy trying to get our house and yard back to normal and it may take a few days til we can sit down and blog. Till then, know we are safe and happy and thankful and sweating our butts off in da yard. Speaking for myself, I'm impatiently waiting for them to lift the alcohol ban so I can get a good cold beer.


  1. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Oh Thank Goodness y'all are ok.. I have been checking in here the last few days just a waiting to hear how you made out..We are waiting for "hanna" to show up here tonight.they say maybe 4 inches of rain and 40-50 mph winds over night..Liz,Scott,Liberty, and the new baby Madison are suppose to be here tomorrow afternoon to show Dad his 6th great grandchild.:) take care.huggieszss love linda

  2. We might meet you on our way north. yIKEs is on his way in, dintcha know? Or it looks that way, anyhow. This has really been some kinda year for those dang things. Let us know when would be a good time for us to get together, Trishy.
    __________________________________Hiya Linda!!! I hope everybody gets up there safely and that you don't get much rain or wind. Pictures...don't forget to send us pictures...and some of you and Dad, too. Would be nice to see that wonderful ol' Marine. Please give him a BIG hug for us.
    Love, Pegody 'n Cappy

  3. Anonymous7:12 AM

    WoW you have alot of sawing on that tree don`t where yourself out And was your garden ok?

  4. Cappy's been sawing on that tree for three days now. His good friend, Sam said he'd come with a bigger saw to help him finish it off in a few days. The garden only had very tall okra standing in it, with seed pods, because the freezer was full of smothered okra; I'm waiting on canning equipment, and I was afraid of taking any more of them into the house, not knowing if I'd still have a house standing when I got back from evacuating for the storm. So...for now the garden is bare. We plan on planting cabbage and yellow squash, and snow peas for the winter garden.
