
FALL: A Good-Time Hitch On Da Boat

This hitch started off as they all do, with me Thanking God for the opportunity to work in the beautiful waters of southern Louisiana. Like I always say; if ya gotta work in an office, it may as well float down a lazy bayou with sights like this sunrise to greet ya in da mornin'.

Peggy mentioned in an earlier post how the bridges sustained lots of damage from this year's storms. This bridge was in operation as we passed, but you can see the damage to the bridge house (control structure).

Some places damaged by Gustav and then patched with the FEMA blue roofs, were re-damaged only a week later when Ike came by, while others were completely wiped out by the 1-2 hurricane punch.

Even amidst all the destruction, signs of life were returning back to normal. This picture of the swamp bird sitting in the shattered cypress stump kinda sums it up.

Of course the ever-present Egrets could be seen everywhere among the folliage of the bayous,which are slowly taking on a hint of Fall color.

You guys always ask for close-ups, so here is an Egret up close for yall.

I also got some good shots of this Pelican as it settled in by the boat for some fishing.

The spoonbill rosettes were pretty in their pinkness as they slogged through the mud, exposed by our passing, in search of lil shrimp and fishies.

We tied up in the marsh not far from the town of Leeville, Louisiana one afternoon and were surprised to see how much progress they are making on the new road to Grand Isle, La. Notice in the picture how the new bridge is gonna be lots taller than the old bridge . The day was so nice and cool that my crew decided to do a lil fishing. Peggy sure enjoyed the speckled trout fillets.

A few days later I got some pictures of this floating buzzard feast on the Intracoastal waterway. I can't hardly blame the buzzards, I like gator too.

I thought I'd end this lil account of my month on the boat with one of my favorite sights. This Eagle is one of several I got pictures of this hitch. They never fail to make my heart jump when I see them up close like this. They are truly magnificant birds. Now that I'm home, Peggy and I are already planning the fun frolicking things to do this time, and I am sure we will post our adventures of the fun we have, until it's time to put my Cappy hat back on and head out for another hitch.

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