
Kaitlyn Brooke

Our tenth grandbaby, Kaitlyn Brooke was born yesterday @ 10:24 a.m, and weighed in at 8 lbs. and 12 oz. Yow! She's a big girl. When Joe was born, he weighed 8 lb. 8 oz, and I thought he was huge. The dr. even joked and said, "You want me to circumsize him right now? He's big enough"...he had a good laugh about it. HAH. >:-/
Mother and baby and Dad are fine. I got to hear her sweet little voice over the phone today when she started fussing. Lemme see...how many days til we will be going up to visit (?) Too many, that's for sure.
This is a picture of Ashley and Zachery, the big sister and brother, who are thrilled with their new little sister.
Well...this was just a little shot of wonderful news. I'll be writing more...whose nose when...mayhaps tomorrow.
Love youse guys...family, friends and 'drive-bys' :-)


  1. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Ray & Peggy, Congraulations on the newest Family member. She's beautiful!

    Taylor Oussea

  2. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Ray & Peggy, Congratulations on the newest bundle of joy! My Kaitlyn Brooke was one pound lighter, and now is taller then me! Darn i'm gonna be the shortest one in the house! Taff

  3. Thanks Taylor and Teri, Awww, you guys are just too sweet!
    Hiya Taffy...you have a Kaitlyn Brooke too?? Gosh, it's really a small world. I'd never even seen the name Kaitlyn before. How old is your daughter? And don't feel bad, I'm smaller than all my kids and fast working on being smaller than most of the grandbabies, too. The incredible shrinking Pegody, I guess, lol.
    Hey Tay and Taffy, how's the weather up there? It's cooled down here and is a sticky 87. I was just outside pulling a few weeds and had to come inside. I can't wait for 'winter'.

  4. Anonymous10:27 PM

    She will be 16 in Feburary,She is a good kid, B honor roll almost A honor roll, busy child.When she was born we didn't have girl names picked out, cause I was told I was having a boy!lol So we really worked hard to figure out what to name her. So I took half of my great grandmothers name, and then my middle name. There weren't any Kaitlyn's around let alone any spelled that way I spelled hers, until after we did it! Umm Peggy we have had the cold, no white stuff yet! but very cold I know cause we have still been living in tents trying to get the new cabin up!I have tons of pictures, but can't get them to email like I want, perhaps i'm not grasping what I need to send, but then again i'm not only physically exhausted, but also mentally just to much on ones plate lately! will send pictures soon!


  5. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Congrats to the new grandparents!! and I thought having 5 grandbabies at our age,wink wink,was alot. hehehe.She sure is a cutie! my newest,Madison, is already 5 weeks old.They are coming down next weekend for another visit.Dad and I can't wait!! huggiessss linda

  6. Hi Linda and Dad,
    Wow, I'm glad your kids can come see you. Heyyyy, whatcha mean at our age??? LOL. You are still a Spring chicken aintcha? Right now Cappy is out in the kitchen "whacking" onions for a big jambalaya he is about to cook for some folks on our local town Forum. We just chopped up a bunch of sausage...Oh-oh, I'd better go help him with the onions, too, or he'll be out there bawling in his beer all by hisself. Talk atcha all later, and sorry I haven't posted much lately. I'll 'splain sometime soon, mebbe...(artwork's been taking my time).
