
Last Island

The subject of Last Island, one of Louisiana's barrier islands, has come up from time to time in our local town Forum. The island was one of the state's major barrier islands, and in da ole days,was a resort for the wealthy. At one time it held large beach houses and hotels, and was a playground for the rich "planters" and merchants, etc. This is a picture of the last remaining camp on Last Island. As you can see it's just a gutted shell.

The picture above is the only stretch of beach left that could support the local bird colonies. The view is from inland looking east to Wine Island Pass.

A mere 5 years ago this picture would be looking across solid land toward the oil facility at Wine Island Pass, which is the eastern end of Last Island. The facility ya see in the distance, usta be on the island. I can only hope that we rebuild it again, as it is a wonderful strip of sand; home to many colonies of birds and could again be a picnic/beach-combers paradise.

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