
The Flamingo Gag

For years now, I have (good-naturedly) picked at my "cross da street neighbor" about our yards. Theirs is always neat as a pin, well manicured and with grass looking like a lush green carpet. They spend many hours cutting, trimming, weeding, etc. and because if it, their yard always looks like some kind of Southern Living Magazine layout or something. While their place is looking so peaceful, and park-like lets just say that ours.... well.... just isn't.
My philosophy when it comes to my yard is, if its green why kill it. I don't care if it's clovers, or dollar weed, or 'dandylions', shucks, I like clover flowers; I say let 'em grow. When we cut our grass we will even leave patches of clover behind for the dogs to romp in. Let's just say, me and my neighbors have vastly different ideas 'bout yard care.

This brings me to the Flamingos. For years now, I have been threatening Sonia with a pair of big ole tacky pink flamingos. It has been a running joke between us for almost 20 years now. Can ya imagine how heart-broken I was a couple years back when I heard da flamingo people had gone out of business. It really broke my heart that they would never grace our tacky garden. Well yesterday while walking through Big Lots, what to my wondering eyes should appear...... ya guessed it, these fine 2 beauties. I 'most scared Peggy to death, with my loud squeal of delight. I have scoured the internet looking for these guys, but all I could find were faded second-hand ones for way too much money on Ebay. I almost drooled on them as I scurried a pair into our basket. The ride home seemed to take forever as I anticipated my next move.

I hurriedly stuck them right by the road, straight across from Sonia's kitchen window and awaited my just reward. There they stood this morning in all their tacky glory complete with a beer bottle and floppy hat to complete the effect.

Well, half da neighborhood got a good laugh outa da deal and much to Sonia's delight the tacky flamingos now oversee their rightfull place safely out of the neighbors view overlooking our "tacky garden".

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Cappy and Pegody, your garden is AWESOME! I envy it!

    P.S. My condolences for your loss. I know it's not easy to lose a loved one.

    Hugs, Julie (and Todd) :-)
