

I've been trying for several hours tonight to make some kind of video...ANY kind of video of Mr. Ed and Mrs. Jean's visit, especially the egg dying escapade over at Cappy's sister, Maria's house. (Unfortunately, that rematch between me and the computer movie-maker will have to wait until either tomorrow or Sunday.) Suffice it to say, we had fun. As a matter of fact, the whole week they were here was fun, despite the fact that we had no kitchen. I could take the time to relate the whole thing right now, but I'm tired and going to bed. Tomorrow, and I'm not sure at what time, I'm planning on helping with the town Forum's chicken show, and also on Saturday. I went last year and dubbed it "The Fowl Ball", cuz it was a hoot. This year I painted some chicken designs on three aprons for three of us "Chicks" to wear as we do whatever it is that we are going to find ourselves doing as volunteers.
Well, this is short and sweet, but Cappy left me with plenty of "Blog Fodder" for yall. First, I need Rest...good ol' fashioned Sleeeeeeep, and a crowbar for this Dell of a computer...but you've heard all that before. Til then, God Bless.

Yeah, the end result is always about the same...pretty^messy --> (Oh rats, now the Blog is fighting with me; BAW! G'nite)


  1. Anonymous8:39 AM

    did grandpop lose weight???????

    love, Robbie John

  2. Hi Honey, yep, he lost 30lb. so far. Very observant of you :-x
