
We Were Tired

  It's hard to explain how exhausting it is to wash off every single surface of every single item in the house of dead toxic mold after the work has been done to repair wood damage and mold killing. Even tho' the mold is dead, the residue left on everything still makes us ill while we are trying to clean it. If we were to hire this tedious job done, it would cost thousands and thousands of dollars. So, here we be, working in what seems to be slow motion, having to take frequent breaks. "We're getting there, we're getting there," we keep encouraging each other. 
   Meanwhile life goes on. Between bouts of scrubbing, laundry has to be done, meals have to be prepared. Not wanting to spend any extra energy, which I had pretty much already used up for the day, the other night I quickly put together tacos, flinging the shredded salad and black olives onto the tops of them, calling it done. Just fast food, kinda/sorta made by us. Last night I put a dozen or so chicken thighs in a long, clear Pyrex oven dish, seasoned them and popped them into the oven. After supper, after they were cooled down, I stuffed what was left into a ziplock baggie and put 'em into the fridge. 
  "Hmmm," I thought, and looking furtively around, I quietly put the long flat Pyrex dish down under the table flap of the kitchen island beside BeauxBear's food and water bowl. I thought enlisting the dog to help clean the dish of chicken skin and juices would save me time and energy, plus make BeauxBear happy. Even though it was going to be hand rinsed and sanitized in the dishwasher, what could it hurt, if Cappy didn't find out, semi-hidden under the island as it was?
  It was so well hidden, I forgot about it and it didn't make the dishwasher load. 
  When we woke up this morning, my poor, tired hubby discovered that the SUV tire I felt was "squishy" the night before, was now sitting in the driveway "flat as a pancake." Not again! This makes the third flat tire in the last six months. He found a nail sitting as pretty as you please, right in the middle of the top of the tread. 
  Letting out a huge sigh, he resignedly girded up his loins to take on the 'simple' task of getting it repaired. Since the shop where we take our vehicles is just up the street, he opted to just pump it up and drive it on up there, since it appeared to be a slow leak. 
   He went to the camper, moved things around in the "cellar" of the RV and hauled out the heavy many-faceted piece of equipment that our son, Dan had given us. He lugged it over around the SUV, carefully lowered the beast down onto the ground beside the flat and tried to attach the (Peggy's mechanical terms) thingy to the nozzle thingy to pump it up, but the end of the thingy broke off in his hand. Alright, so then he had to pick up the now useless monolith, which was in the way and where he put it, I don't know. 
  Letting out another long, slow cleansing breath, not to be undaunted...or is that daunted (?) he decided to get the smaller air pump out of the floor compartment of the SUV...it would take longer to inflate the tire, but at least he knew it worked. Opening the back gate of the SUV...staring at him were several heavy propane jugs sitting atop the floor compartment. Well, that just figgers, doesn't it? We plan on going camping soon to take a break from the wall scrubbing in the house, so, there were the propane bottles, ready and waiting ta go! Cappy hauled their butts out onto the driveway to get at the air pump in that floor compartment.
 At least he knew this was going to go well. Nothing broke off in his hand when he hooked it up; that was a good sign, he chuckled. He clicked it on and nothing happened. Well, that was not a good sign. Struggling to get up off the wet concrete (it had rained overnight of course), he half crawled into the front passenger side of the SUV and "messed" around with the connections, got out, got down and tried to coax his old friend air pump to inflate the tire. "Nah." Well, what in the very "hayo"??    Upon further investigation, he discovered the SUV battery was plum dead. Seriously...SERIOUSLY?
  So...he coaxed his beloved ol' Jeep, Tinker Bayl to come round and give the SUV a jump. At length, he had me go outside in my purple polka dot pajamas and turn the ignition and give it a little gas. I don't know what was going on between these two vehicles this morning, but they just didn't wanna play nice together. FINALLY, I got the SUV started, Cappy got the tire pumped up and headed up the street with it before something else happened to thwart his mission. 
  Meanwhile, I just had to go outside and get some fresh air. I pulled a few weeds and straightened up my "salad" garden, but even that exhausted me. It seems we aren't even sleeping well lately.
   I noticed Cappy pulled back into the driveway, mission accomplished. He headed into the house, looked almost like staggering with relief that that miserably rotten event was over. Home Sweet Home! 
  Just as I got to the back door, it whooshed open, scaring me. I saw Cappy's fist hanging onto it for dear life and I heard something "bonk!" behind the wall there.
  "You scared me!" I wailed, "What in the heck are you doing?"
   He stuck his head around the corner and said, "I just picked up a black olive off the floor." 
  I just looked at him.
  "I was coming out to tell you about the tire, but saw a black olive on the floor, so bent to pick it up, noticed that big Pyrex dish right there under my nose and wondered what in the heck it was doing there. I went to stand up and bashed my head under the table leaf part of the island and all kinds of noises on top of it sounded like it was going to come crashing down on top of me, so I stood up fast and lost my balance and fell back against the refrigerator, jiggling things inside it! I had the presence of mind to toss the black olive into the trash right there, then took a step to come outside, but my foot went right into the Pyrex dish and I went sailing across the floor out of control on one foot like I was sliding on ice right toward the back door! I was scared I was going to break the glass, so I grabbed the handle with my right hand, the dog's food table with the other, and that's when my head bonked on the door frame. I didn't mean to scare ya."
   He said while he was getting the tire fixed, he bought a couple of new hoses for the camper. So, besides getting "tired" we got "hosed". 
  And tomorrow is his 60th birthday. I'd ask, "I wonder what tomorrow will bring", but I'm afraid to ask.
(just one idea.)

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