
March 2, 2018 Back Yard Report.

   Everyone in our area is talking about what a rough winter we had this year. Those of you who live up north in snow country, forgive us for "boo-hooing". 
     One year we were alarmed about the weather report. "Oh no!" we shouted to one of our Yankee 'kids', "We're going to get bad weather!" 
    They scoffed, "Oh what...is it gonna get cold?" 
   Well, yeah, considering the really bad weather, tons of snow and ice, etc. that they get each winter, 'cold' probably doesn't sound all that bad, since, too, their cold is way colder than our cold. But, yeah, for us, a hard winter is bad. Lots of citrus and other trees were killed or damaged in this year's rare hard freeze.  
      Take a very short walk around our yard with Peggy and me, in this video, and we'll show you what a bad winter can do to us.  But, as you can also see, hidden here and there, a promise of Spring rebirth.  
   Believe it or not, you upstate New York snow angels, March in south Louisiana has always been my favorite month, and now it's Peggy's as well. 
Today, we see on the news that northerners are getting a terrible beating with snow and wind...power outages...just awful. Well, hang in there; Spring is headed your way, too. Remember: just as you are getting comfortable in your hammocks with a nice cold glass of lemonade, know that we'll be down here griping about the heat burning up everything in our gardens, with the promise of Fall and Winter dangling like a carrot on a stick somewhere in time. I don't think you'll wanna see a video of that.  :-)

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